Our voices are a mirror for who we are.
They communicate our truth in the world & for those of us who love to sing they open up a whole world of magic, creativity, connection & expression.
In our voice session my aim is to help you find your real voice, sing with freedom and express yourself with confidence and clarity.
In addition to over 20 years personal experience singing mantras & kirtan. I also trained in the anatomy of the voice & spent years studying vocal exercises & performance coaching with some of the best teachers in the world.
I am an IVA level 1 Certified teacher
certified VIDLA instructor ( High Distinction)
& passed my Grade 8 Vocals
I love to provide holistic voice lessons that combine science with spirituality starting by warming up your voice with bespoke exercises & progressing to the more subtle realms of musical expression, emotional release, and awakening your heart by working with you on the songs you love or exploring voice as meditation through mantras and Nada Yoga (the yoga of sound).
If you are ready to develop your voice in a whole new way then get in touch.