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North West

Arillas Magouladon

Dance your Colours, Paint your Life

19 - 24 June 2022

Life thrives when we are able to turn our life into a work of art!

In this workshop, you will be playfully guided to let go of your ideas about painting and simply explore. Through dancing and painting, you will be taken on a journey and you will be surprised at what arises inside of you. As you tap into your own existential creative force, the world of possibilities and inspiration starts to move with your spontaneity.

Dancing and painting will happen outdoors in the midst of rich and magical nature, under ancient olive and oak trees. Some dancing sessions will also happen indoors in a charming stone house with a wooden floor. We will have 5 morning sessions and 3 evening sessions. Some sessions will be dancing, some will be painting and some will be the merging of both. The time between morning sessions and evening sessions is free - the beach is just a few minutes away! Group starts: 9:00 Sunday, 19th June 2022 Group ends: 13:00 Friday, 24th June 2022

It will be a beautiful, playful and deep journey. You will meet your creative force in a new way. No previous experience in painting or dancing is needed. ~Naveen Li is a unique and highly experienced dance teacher. She has been teaching Biodanza since 2011. More about Naveen and biodanza: ~Nirav is a multi-talented artist who specializes in teaching painting through spontaneous action, playfulness and an awareness of the present moment. More about Philippe Nirav:

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